Obligatory Fiery Furnaces & Tapes 'n Tapes Post
Recently, there have been an abundance of posts on the music blogs about these two artists. With The Fiery Furnaces' forthcoming album leakier than an octogenarian's bladder and with Pitchfork finally getting around to reviewing Tapes 'n Tapes newest album today, nearly everyone has posted on these bands the past week or so.
The Fiery Furnaces

As anyone who reads this blog with regularity knows, I've never been the biggest Fiery Furnaces fan. Recently, I have started to come around a bit. About a week ago, I purchased a used copy of their early 2005 disc EP -- which I had never heard previously and is hardly an "EP" at all given it features 10 songs and clocks in at 41 minutes -- from my favorite local record shop, Shake-It Records, for only $2.99 and it hasn't left my vehicle's CD player.
I do not particularly care for their much-hyped 2004 effort Blueberry Boat, can't stomach 2005's Rehearsing My Choir, and have not listened to their debut Gallowsbird's Bark enough to form a legitimate opinion; but, I dig EP and have to say I'm enjoying the forthcoming album Bitter Tea quite a bit as well. It toes the line between their more accessible material ala EP and their more avant garde, polarizing Blueberry Boat-style tuneage nicely. Striking an intelligent and mature balance between melodic, hook driven pop and their more 'difficult'/experimental tendencies, Bitter Tea is the best FF album to date. Oh, you don't trust me...just wait until Pitchfork gives it a 9.0+ and other indie-ish publications drool all over it as well.
Bitter Tea will be released April 18. And, as with any good album, it is best enjoyed as a coherent whole. Below I have posted 3 of the best tracks from the forthcoming album that have been widely available on the blogs and a rare example of Matthew Friedberger handling lead vocal duties, "Sing for Me", a highlight from EP.
UPDATE: Here is the front cover artwork for Bitter Tea

From Bitter Tea:
From EP:
Buy EP here.
Tapes 'n Tapes

As you most likely are already aware, P'Fork gave Tapes 'n Tapes most recent album (released Nov. 2005) The Loon an 8.3 and it became the latest entry in their 'Best New Music' section.
Although this album received quite a bit of attention from a number blogs (esp. You Ain't No Picasso, Gorilla vs. Bear, and My Old Kentucky Blog) leading up to and soon after its release, I have only recently started to give it some listens.
Tapes 'n Tapes has 3 strong tracks available for download via their website (and on every other blog in existence). Below I have posted these tracks, as well as one of my favorites from The Loon, album's closer "Jakov's Suite". What's up with my obsession with the final track on albums lately?? (see, e.g., my recent Liars post)
From The Loon:
Tapes 'n Tapes - "Insistor"
Tapes 'n Tapes - "Cowbell"
Tapes 'n Tapes - "Omaha"
Buy the album here.
I must say, after listening only to the first track posted I am impressed. At least this band attempts to create something original and different rather than repackaging pop adult alternative with mysterious indie cred apparently stemming wholly from the mentally unstable tendencies of its creator (I'm talking to you Cat Power--The Greatest). More like the greatest imitation of Norah Jones EVER (sorry, I was just thinking about how much I dislike the widespread appreciation of that album as I was writing this). Carry on.
dudeski...i felt compelled to change the order of the bands featured on this post after my Fat Tuesday "mild debauchery" because I had a lot more to say about the FF than T 'n T. both bands featured in this post are quite good, but I hope you give FF a listen, if not...you're gonna hear that shit incessantly for the next month or so until i convert you.
I guess I should have specified that I was referring to FF in my comment. I have to reserve judgment on the T 'n T.
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